Grey wall cladding as used by McDonald's (8', 9' & 10')
2.5mm McDonald's Grey colour hygienic PVC interior wall cladding sheets are a best-selling trade alternative to white 2.5mm cladding.
'Mac Grey' is used extensively in McDonald's restaurants throughout the UK and Europe. Suitable for all cladding jobs.
The attractive mid grey grey sheet is available in 3 lengths. Ideal for retail and commercial environments in kitchens, washrooms and bathrooms.
Product detail:
- Colour: McDonald's Grey (strong mid-grey shade)
- Class 1 Fire-Rated for surface spread of flame.
- Length: 2440mm (8') | 2750mm (9') | 3050mm (10')
- Width: 1220mm (4')
- Depth: 2.5mm
- Finish: Satin